• Welcome!

    Thanks for visiting The Potted Patch. We are working hard on getting our new website up and running, so stay tuned as we add more posts and gallery photos. We aim to share a range of information, tips and tricks to help you get the most our of your plants, regardless of your climate and growing conditions.

    We are based in NE Victoria (Australia), where we experience both end of the climate thermometer…… ranging from searing, relentless 45 degree heat in summer to bone chilling -5 degree heavy frosts in winter. In these extremes it can be challenging at times to maintain many plants, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible! With a little love and care, almost all plants can get through both ends of the weather spectrum.

    Stay tuned for our posts, photos and updates, which will include our successes and failures so that we can all become better and happier growers. At select times of the year we will also offer sales of our limited edition tubers, seeds, cuttings and seedlings.

    You can also join our Facebook page ‘The Potted Patch’ so you don’t miss a thing.

    We look forward to having you on board for the journey ahead…………..