• Posts by: The Potted Patch

    Succy Winter Colours……

    Succy Winter Colours……

    The extremes of winter and summer can bring out some of the most beautiful colours in our succulents. With many.

    Lets Germinate Dahlia Seeds!

    Lets Germinate Dahlia Seeds!

    With winter a little warmer than usual here in NE Victoria, it’s time to plant some Dahlia seeds into the.

    Beautiful Sedum Clavatum (var.)

    Beautiful Sedum Clavatum (var.)

    I was so excited to receive this beauty in the mail today to add to our growing collection. This is.

    Re-potting our rooted cuttings

    Re-potting our rooted cuttings

    A few of our cuttings were outgrowing their small pots, so it was time to re-pot them into something a.

    Mail Order Rhubarb Crowns

    Mail Order Rhubarb Crowns

    In winter when our Dahlias are all happily packed away, we prepared some of our other plants ready for the.

    Mail Order Asparagus Crowns!

    Mail Order Asparagus Crowns!

    Well it’s winter, which means our Dahlia tubers are all safely packed away awaiting replanting in spring. During this period.

    Dahlia Seeds

    Dahlia Seeds

    Dahlia seed sorting is a wonderful job on a cold, rainy day. We collected all of our seeds at the.

    Mega Spikes!

    Mega Spikes!

    Meet our newest addition…..Euphorbia aggregata, which despite its appearance, is a succulent but not a cactus. I immediately fell in.

    We have babies!

    We have babies!

    They might all be packed away in the greenhouse for winter, but so many of our cacti and succulents are.

    Tuber Digging!

    Tuber Digging!

    Well, it’s that time of year. The frosts have started, the dahlias have browned off and had a couple of.