• Blog: Other Plants and Garden

    Gorgeous Croton ‘Congo’….

    Gorgeous Croton ‘Congo’….

    Introducing…..Croton ‘Congo’ (Codiaeum variegatum) which produces amazing variegated tropical coloured highlights of reds, oranges and yellows. In our region this.

    Delicious Mulberries…..

    Delicious Mulberries…..

    Alien Rhubarb?

    Alien Rhubarb?

    Flowering Plums

    Flowering Plums

    Flowering Nectarine Tree

    Flowering Nectarine Tree

    I just love the blooms that pop out on my dwarf nectarine tree in Spring each year. These dwarf fruit.

    Variegated Peace Lily….

    Variegated Peace Lily….

    I saw this beauty standing all alone at the nursery…….I couldn’t possibly walk past and not bring it home! I.

    Fantastic Fruit & Vege….

    Fantastic Fruit & Vege….

    I have just picked the final mandarin from the tree. I love dwarf fruit trees, which I plant in large.

    Vibrant Winter Colour….

    Vibrant Winter Colour….

    Whilst winter might be the end of our beautiful blooms and most of the veges, as plants prepare to shut.