• Dahlias: Virus vs Pest Damage

    It’s all happening in the patch here this week….. mites, whitefly, virus, herbicide damage and sunburn (from last weeks unexpected 37 degree day and me forgetting to move a seedling pot out of the sun…..oops). I thought this was a great opportunity to show some photos for comparison of the damage caused by each of these, as I get a lot of questions about virus vs pest damage….hopefully these help.

    We have planted 240 tubers this season, almost all of which are happily growing, with a few odd ones still spouting. Managing pests & disease is a normal part of the growing season. Two plants went to bin heaven this week due to virus, both of which were new tubers brought in this year, so I don’t risk spreading it to the rest of the patch. I’ve also had a little bit of mite damage and an influx of whitefly, photos attached as a comparison of how these pests can impact the plant. Management has been a little impacted this week with 80mm of rain so far, and a another 20 – 60mm expected over the coming days meaning my usual spraying regime is a bit tricky. The photo displaying herbicide damage if from a single pot I filled at the last minute with store bought pre-mix, vs the rest of my soil which I have prepared over winter and is showing nil herbicide impact.

    A note for new growers…. pests and virus can be scary, especially when it sometimes feels like they are specifically targeting our most beloved varieties…….but losing a few plants here and there is normal, sometimes it just can’t be helped. Don’t feel defeated, use it as a learning experience and remember…there is aways next year….. HAPPY GROWING EVERYONE.