• Tag: blooms

    Dahlia Seedling ‘Picoteee’

    Dahlia Seedling ‘Picoteee’

    The photos attached are the first seedling to bloom this season. This is the plants first flower. Firstly the good.

    Dahlias: Virus vs Pest Damage

    Dahlias: Virus vs Pest Damage

    Dahlia shoots….and rotted tuber!

    Dahlia shoots….and rotted tuber!

    Thanks to some great spring weather conditions, our dahlia tubers were planted in the 3rd week of October. 3 weeks.

    Spring Succulents…PINK edition!

    Spring Succulents…PINK edition!

    With the warmth of the spring weather, we see our succulents putting on a beautiful show of colour. These are.

    Alien Rhubarb?

    Alien Rhubarb?

    Flowering Plums

    Flowering Plums

    Flowering Nectarine Tree

    Flowering Nectarine Tree

    I just love the blooms that pop out on my dwarf nectarine tree in Spring each year. These dwarf fruit.

    Dahlia Tubers: ‘Eyes’

    Dahlia Tubers: ‘Eyes’

    As tubers start to wake from their winter slumber, the growing ‘eyes’ will start to swell and these are the.

    Favourite Blooms from 2023/4 Season

    Favourite Blooms from 2023/4 Season

    Winter is here and the Dahlias have all gone to bed for now. What a wonderful season it was, with.

    Variegated Peace Lily….

    Variegated Peace Lily….

    I saw this beauty standing all alone at the nursery…….I couldn’t possibly walk past and not bring it home! I.