• Tag: plants

    Propagating Cactus & Succulents

    Propagating Cactus & Succulents

    Propagating cactus and succulents at home can be really easy….but be warned…..you need a LOT of patience. It can take.

    Dahlia Seedling ‘Picoteee’

    Dahlia Seedling ‘Picoteee’

    The photos attached are the first seedling to bloom this season. This is the plants first flower. Firstly the good.

    Dahlia shoots….and rotted tuber!

    Dahlia shoots….and rotted tuber!

    Thanks to some great spring weather conditions, our dahlia tubers were planted in the 3rd week of October. 3 weeks.

    Spring Succulents…PINK edition!

    Spring Succulents…PINK edition!

    With the warmth of the spring weather, we see our succulents putting on a beautiful show of colour. These are.

    Delicious Mulberries…..

    Delicious Mulberries…..

    Alien Rhubarb?

    Alien Rhubarb?

    Flowering Plums

    Flowering Plums

    Flowering Nectarine Tree

    Flowering Nectarine Tree

    I just love the blooms that pop out on my dwarf nectarine tree in Spring each year. These dwarf fruit.

    Dahlia Tubers: ‘Eyes’

    Dahlia Tubers: ‘Eyes’

    As tubers start to wake from their winter slumber, the growing ‘eyes’ will start to swell and these are the.

    Favourite Blooms from 2023/4 Season

    Favourite Blooms from 2023/4 Season

    Winter is here and the Dahlias have all gone to bed for now. What a wonderful season it was, with.